
Hey, my name is Jo Calderone. And I was an as-h-le. Gaga. Yeah! Her! Lady Gaga. She left me! She said it always starts out good. And then the guys, meaning me, I'm one of the guys. We get crazy. I did. I got crazy. But she is f--king crazy too, right? I mean, she is f--king crazy. For example, she gets out of the bed, puts on the heels. She goes into the bathroom. I hear the water go on. She comes out of the bathroom just wet. She still got the heels on. And what's with the hair? At first it was sexy but now I am just confused. She said that I am just like the last one. I am not the last one. And I think it's great, you know. I think it's really f--king great that she's such a star, a big beautiful star in sky. But how am I supposed to shine? I mean I think I'd be ok with it if she knows that I felt like she is really selfish with me. And maybe she is. I am starting to think who she is, you know, maybe that's just who she is. 'Cause when she gets on that stage, she holds nothing back. that spotlight, that big, round, deep spotlight follows her wherever she goes. Sometimes I think it follows her home, I know it does. I got get in there. When she comes, it's like shes covers her face. 'cause she doesn't want me to see, like she can't stand to have one eye's moment when nobody is watching. I want her to be real.But she says, I am not real. I am theater. And you and I. This is just rehearsal. I got to get in there.

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在 function b 裡先判斷 this.boolean 是不是 true 再輸出 hi 就能達到你的要求。

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Top 10 Talent Agencies in L.A.

Agency for the Performing Arts (APA): These cats are recognized for their stable of sought-after comedians and their metal division, which includes Judas Priest and Poison. 

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你好 :)

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有賣 Hip Hop服裝 西門町有 還蠻多ㄉ 我常常去西門町逛ㄉ 我記得 2 3ㄍ月前 有一家新開ㄉ店 好像在 電影街那邊 你也可以去羅志祥他開ㄉ店看看 STAGE 他ㄉ東西蠻好看ㄉ

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