那首歌就叫做"Lift Me Up"
All in this together
By my side
Cant stop thinkin' about you (AJ)
Christmass time
Colour my world
Divine intervention
Dont disturb this groove
Forces of Nature
Friends never say goodbye (ft. Elton John)
Helpless when she smiles
i'll be there 4 you
i'll never find someone like you
if u knew what i knew
If u stay
In christ alone (Brian)
Let's do it for love
Lift me up
Love is
Loving you
Love knows i love you
Moving on
My heart stays with you
Not no more
One last cry (Brian)
Over her
Set it of / Dance
Shout (ft. Michael jackson)
Tell me
Tender love
The Unloved
Welcome to my heart (howie)
Where can we go from here?
Who do u love?
You wrote my book on love
From This Moment 是 BSB跟Shania Twain合唱的,並不是跟Celin Dion,至於他們會不會來台開演唱會這很難說,我想應該有機會吧!