
我其實從小就很嚮往當偶像,在舞臺上閃閃發光,但我的父母十分反對,而當我看到你的介紹, 原來妳父母以前也不是很支持你的偶像道路,
Actually since my childhood on, I've been very keen on the idols, so shining on the stage, but my parents are opposed. However when I
had viewed your profile, and knowing that you didn't gained much
supportive for your Star Road by your parents.
Yet, you did not give up, so I will always support you!! Come on!
Cheer up!

Actually since my childhood on, I've been very keen on the idols, so shining on the stage, but my parents are opposed. However when I
had viewed your profile, and knowing that you didn't gained much
supportive for your Star Road by your parents.
Yet, you did not give up, so I will always support you!! Come on!
Cheer up!
